Ethan Mick

Use an Enum as Object Key in TypeScript

Objects are a fast and convenient data type in JavaScript. You often want to put a restriction on what keys can be used. You can use TypeScript enums in two ways to define the keys in an object.

Using the in nomenclature:

enum Animal {
type AnimalCount = { [key in Animal]: number }
const animals: AnimalCount = {
[Animal.Bird]: 1,
[Animal.Cat]: 3,
[Animal.Dog]: 5,

The other syntax creates a slightly different object:

enum Animal {
type AnimalCount = { [key in keyof typeof Animal]: number }
const animals: AnimalCount = {
Bird: 1,
Cat: 3,
Dog: 5,

The keys are limited by the enum keys, but you can't use [Animal.Bird] as a key.

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